Brand (Or Rebrand) Yourself Through Podcasts, Livestreams, Radio Shows, and Webinars
Want to get there faster? Speak where people are listening.
Adam Hommey is a speaker, author, trainer, and consultant.
He is the Executive Director of In-Demand Expert, which helps business creators, like you, WIN at the game of business and marketing so you can thrive from YOUR intersection of YOUR brilliance and YOUR passion while making a difference for your community, market, and audience.
Want to get there faster? Speak where people are listening.
Instead of meeting for coffee, exchange brilliance for exposure.
Winners hire winners. Show them why they must hire YOU.
Little money? Even less time? Problem solved!
Do interviews with the exact people you want at your event.
Pitch prospects by showing them your best stuff, in real time.
Persuade people to invest in you, for THEIR reasons.
New Media shows are, today, literally the new “As Seen In”.
Your audience is already tuned in, waiting for you to appear.